Monday, December 6, 2010

Track season starts

Even though cross country is not yet over (Melissa is competing in the National Championships for Junior Olympics next weekend) the first indoor track meet in Boston started the season off Saturday.

I ran the mile against the usual local college kids, in the fourth heat of four.  I started out well, near the back but very relaxed.  After passing 1-2 people per lap, I made it up to fifth place with 2 laps to go.  I had been feeling very strong to that point, but I made the mistake of moving too soon.  I jumped up to 2nd place (thinking winning the heat was within range) but then ran out of gas with 1 to go.  I held them off for three turns, but in the last 40 meters I was passed by 3 or 4 of the college youths, ending up with a very respectable 4:55.28 and fifth (or sixth?) place.  My goal for this year is 4:50, which is All-American for my age.  Given that this was my first time on a track this season, I think 4:50 is very possible. 

Brendan Dagan and Jen Campbell, who used to live near me, were there competing.  Also, several of my teammates from Mass Velocity gave it their best, including Tucker Taft, Tom Gillen, Bill Robinson, Roy Charette and Dave Neumann.  The highlight of the meet was Nate Jenkins hit 14:20 for the 5k.  Nice!

The next race on the track for me is a series of meets at Boston University (which has a very fast track).  These are usually well attended.  There are some races in Maine this year that I had not heard about before; perhaps they are new, but I have placed them on my tentative schedule.  Also the Millennium Mile is January 1, 2011.   That is a family event, very well run, and a lot of fun!


1 comment:

  1. Awesome first run Darin!!! I look forward to following your results this winter.

