Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday Track work

We ran into Roger Marcoux, Tim Livingston, and Tim's family tonight on the track, where Nick, Melissa and I ran 12x400 in the searing heat.  Nick and I ran 79/78/76/75 for set 1, then 74/73/73/73 for set 2, and for set 3, 69/70/72 and then Nick took off with a 64 while I staggered in for 75.  Melissa hit 1:47 for most of them; her target pace was 1:45 but that was a serious challenge running by herself.  It was a great workout under the circumstances!!

Fudgesicles and a gallon of lemonade afterwards... let's hope tomorrow is slightly cooler than the 95 degrees we ran in today!


Monday, June 18, 2012

Downhill and Uphill

I raced the Hollis fast 5k on Thursday, capturing my age division with a 17:16, a somewhat disappointing time.  I was a bit sore from Tuesday's Whitaker Woods effort, which was a very strong one for me at 19:22.  My hamstring was bothering me enough to scratch Sunday's Father's day 5k.

Meanwhile, Nick had a fantastic race up Mt. Washington, coming in 83rd overall and 2nd in the 19 and under age division with 1:22:56.  Congrats to Kevin Tilton for winning the first NH finisher award, and the hometown crew including Jim Johnson, Paul Kirsch, Marc Ohlson, Nick and Josh Brustin, Rich Laracy, Shauna Ross, Leslie Beckwith, Kevin Callahan, and everyone else I missed!

Next up, Tuesday's Whitaker Woods race series.  Hopefully my hamstring cooperates for that.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Good week so far

Saturday Nick and I competed at the Market Square 10k, with Nick setting a 10k PR at 38:10, for 15th overall, and me coming only 21 seconds off my course best, at 37:52, for 13th overall.  I hit the top spot for Masters runners, and Nick was 2nd to former MS state XC champion Cameron Barth in the under 19 age division.

Sunday Nick and I did 10.7 around Silver lake, yesterday was an easy 4, and today Nick rocked at the first Whitaker Woods 5k, with a huge course PR of 18:36, taking 4th overall.  Jim Johnson, Tim Livingston, and Peter Haine were the leaders tonight, and I managed a strong 19:22 for 5th.  Melissa hit a PR for the course at 23:38, as she continues to get stronger.  For comparison, when Nick was 12 he was running 22:50 for this course, so Melissa is doing extremely well.

Thursday is Hollis for me, Saturday Mt. Washington for Nick, and Sunday is the Father's Day 5k for me in Portland.  Should be a high mileage total week for me as well, and lots of quality runs.
